I do one of these progress reports every two months. I can’t believe it’s already May and I’m due for my 2nd report! I made big headway on a lot of these goals but I haven’t started on a couple of them. Oops.
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Personal Finance
Save $1,000 in the Gift Fund for my parents. Done! I focused on this financial goal first since it was the smallest goal. I put some of my Christmas gift money and a third of my tax refund into this account.
- Make $3,000 outside from full-time job income. $474.78. 15.83% done. I’ve had this goal for three years now and have never achieved it. Last year I got somewhat close and my moonlighting as a food tour guide helped. That gig was short-lived after switching full time jobs because the new position is a much more challenging position. Previously my lab manager job was simple enough where I could do all my work and have time to pursue other endeavors.
- Pay down $4,500 in principal of student loans. $1983.01. 44% done. Outside of the trip to Paris, this has been my biggest financial focus. I just want all of it paid off right away. I regret not feeling this way before 2013 when all I did was pay the minimum.
- Open up a Roth IRA account with a new bank and deposit $2,000. No progress. I’m focusing on the student loans first.
- Try 10 more Vietnamese recipes. 4/10. Since my last check in, I made one additional dish, cabbage and egg stir-fry. Bob helped.

- Complete 10 sewing learning projects. 4/10. I made 4 sets of 4 napkins. It took me hours to press and sew the corners and then sewing the seams with my mom’s direction and sewing machine. I had brought home enough material to make 5 sets but ran out of time. I strongly recommend square simple projects! I believe in repetition when it comes to learning a new skill.
- Finish transcribing dad’s journal. No progress yet. This will be difficult since I don’t read Vietnamese. I can guess his English words with his handwriting but it’s impossible to guess his Vietnamese proper nouns. I plan on transcribing everything that I can and then tagging the pages with blanks. I plan to take the journal to Houston when I visit to fill in the blanks.
- Read 50 books. 16/50.
- Write 104 blog posts for my food blog. 19/104. The goal was set at 104 to mean an average of 2 blog posts a week.
- Write 174 blog posts for this blog. 37/174 including this one. Which is terrible considering two months ago the count was at 34. Oops.
Finish Sketchbook Project 2013 in time. I uploaded a copy of the entire book to my Google+ account.
- Visit two new states. Going to World Domination Summit in Oregon in July.
- SEE PARIS WITH KIM. We are flying out in 12 days! It’s going to happen! It’s all I can think and fret about lately. I’m also pretty much in awe that what seemed so financially daunting is happening! I was worried that with this goal and my other financial goals, I would fall short but I think I stand a strong chance so far. The Universe keeps throwing me bones!
Relationships and Well-Being
- Work out 156 times for at least 30 minutes each session. 47/156. This goal was set to mean an average of 3 times a week. I’m only a one work out behind target.
- Cook 24 vegetarian dinners. 9/24. I’m on target!
 Broccoli Tofu Stir-Fry, recipe
- Send Thanksgiving and Valentine’s Day cards. I sent a few cards out to single gal friends and my parents for Valentine’s Day.
Question: What is something small you can do to set a foundation for a bigger goal of yours?