Yesterday. I was being trained at my new job in the biology building on campus. It kind of feels weird to be in that building as a staff member and not as a student. Mid-training, I hear a loud, hearty, and lingering laugh from one of the ladies I’ll be working with a lot. She excused the interruption and explained that we haven’t had a Botany Department in over ten years and yet they just received a package addressed to the Chair of Botany Department. Here’s a paraphrase of the note she read to us.
Years ago, I worked in your department and thoroughly enjoyed my job and the people I worked with. Upon leaving my job, I stole a stapler. I am now trying to live more honestly and wanted to right this wrong. Enclosed is a brand new stapler. |
I really am tickled that he carried this stapler on his conscience for over ten years. I’m also touched that he took the time and paid the 8 dollar shipping to right it. It got me thinking of some wrongs I could right from my distant past.
The first wrong that came to mind is stealing candy from my parents. I should buy my mom and dad a whole bunch of banana flavored Now and Laters. My parents used to sell these to mostly children for 10 cents a little pack of 4 Now and Laters (pictured above). I stole a few of the banana ones sometimes several times a day and I’d bring them to school and share them with my friends and my crush and first puppy love, Austin Bates. I started doing this in the first grade and didn’t stop til maybe middle school. Maybe I’ll be able to find a bunch of banana ones before Christmas and this could be part of their Christmas gifts.