Friday 7 Quick Takes (vol 40)


Yesterday’s VEDA submission is a blooper and deleted scenes reel. I’m a little sad about this because I mindlessly deleted a lot of unused footage, completely forgetting about the obligatory blooper reel.

Youtube Link


During today’s VEDA submission, I talked about how Alan and I bought lottery tickets and how I haven’t checked the numbers yet.

Youtube Link

For those of you without video capabilities, I listed off things I’d do if we won the jackpot. Namely, pay off my student loans, pay off my brother’s student loans, buy my parents a nice place and sell their current home and business, pay of bestie’s mortage, go to grad school, travel, invest, and save. Whew.

What would you do if you won the lottery?

P.S. I just checked, no millions for Alan and me. How crushing.


13 more days to Boston to visit bestie :).
14 more days to lunching in Rhode Island with bestie.
15 more days to road trip to New Hampshire and Vermont with bestie.

After all that, I’ll be crossing off three more states in my fifty state endeavor. Wut wut!


I passionately love Houston. I always find myself defending my hometown because it’s not very popular. People complain about the traffic, about how it takes 20-30 minutes to get anywhere, and the weather. I like to say, the 20-30 minute drives are so very worth it when you reach your destinations. The food scene in Houston is fantastic. The medical scene in Houston has always been world renown. Houston is awesome dangit. Just let me introduce it properly to you!


Jumping off of number 4, I came across this passage of All My Friends Are Going to be Strangers. It felt so nice to read loving words about my hometown.

Houston was my companion on the walk. She had been my mistress, but after a thousand nights together, just the two of us, we were calling it off. It was a warm, moist, mushy, smelly night, the way her best nights were. The things most people hated about her were the things I loved: her heat, her dampness, her sumpy smells. She wasn’t beautiful, but neither was I. I liked her heat and her looseness and her smells. Those things were her substance, and if she had been cool and dry and odorless I wouldn’t’ have cared to live with her for three years. We were calling it off, but I could still love her. She still reached me, when I went walking with her. Her mists were always a little sexy. I felt, in leaving her, the kind of gentleness I never got to feel with Sally. Its expression might be stroking a shoulder, or something. I had had such good in Houston, and stroked her shoulder for an hour or two, in the night. Then, when she was really sleeping, I went home. I wanted to be gone when she woke up.


Tonight, I’m finally crossing something I’ve had on my life list since 2001. I’m going to see a movie at a drive-in theater! I’ll be watching Back to the Future with my dude tonight at a mini drive-in. I’ve always wanted to do something like this and thought I’d have to drive to Nowhere, Texas to get this crossed off, but nope! The drive-in is just in Austin’s backyard. What a joyous opportunity!


This week’s moments of bliss: ♥ Stumbling on a pretty Vietnamese cook book at the library, thus reminding me of my new year’s resolution of learning 10 Vietnamese dishes ♥ fresh seafood ♥ eating 5 delicious Pao de Queijos in one sitting ♥ the last two books I’ve read having Austin and Houston as backdrops (complete surprises) ♥ funny arguments with Alan ♥ scheming adventures with girlfriends that involve a huge hill and mini road-trip ♥ dark chocolate orange almond bar ♥ a delightful warm chocolate chip cookie

Question: How would you spend 5 million dollars?