Friday 7 Quick Takes (vol 102)


Totes Awesome Channel is taking a week off!


A few nights ago, Alan and I celebrated one year with Bob. I was walking him around the neighborhood late evening when I realized it was exactly a year since Alan and I adopted him. Being a previously abused dog made him quite the project, but I’m so proud of the rambunctious pup he’s become!

As soon as I realized it was our anniversary, Alan and I fried up a slice of bacon for him and served it with treats and a dollop of peanut butter. We love our Bob!


Suki came to visit over the long Labor Day weekend. We had ourselves mini Bloggers in Sin City reunions with Anita, AshleyD, and Treavor. It still amazes me that I met these special people on the internet.

Thanks Suki for the photo! I love Treavor’s expression here.


I collect Twitter handles. Did you know that about me? You can follow me at three different Twitter handles and I contribute to three other shared accounts. I’ll give you five of the six.

    As Sole Tweeter:
  • @LindaEatsWorld is where I tweet in conjunction to my food blog, Girl Eats World.
  • @curious_notions is where I tweet in conjunction to this blog. I chat with friends, share links that strike my fancy, and share my instagram photos.
  • @DishcrawlATX is where I tweet as a Dishcrawl Ambassador. It’s similar to my food twitter.
    As Contributor/Collaborator
  • @happy3things is where Kim and I tweet our happy 3 things and retweet others. It’s a place of gratitude and happiness. You can purchase our journal here.
  • @atxfoodblogs is where the Austin Food Bloggers Alliance tweets relevant food news and promotes their members. The PR committee takes turns manning the Twitter account.


20 more days til Seattle with best friend and Jennifer!
41 more days til Marfa with Kim!
61 more days til Election Day!


I missed out on the window to post my Friday Quick Takes last week so I didn’t get to tell you, I rode a Segway for the first time last weekend!

I’m definitely not a speed demon. I was the slowest one there!


This week’s moments of bliss: ♥ going to bed at the same time with my beau ♥ leisurely reading ♥ burger date night ♥ trying new successful recipes ♥ exchanging recipes with my sister ♥ slowly getting back to blogging ♥ lots of tacos and queso this week ♥ veggie chips ♥ exchanging silly self portraits with Kim ♥ loving my new Galaxy 3 (not loving the price) ♥ blogging for work ♥ sweet compliments

Question: How did you spend your Labor Day Weekend?