Friday 7 Quick Takes (vol 118)

Note: Our domain is experiencing slow loading times since Wednesday. We put in a ticket to our host this morning. Thank you for your patience.


This week on Totes Awesome Channel we are vlogging about one of our resolutions.

Youtube Link

In case you missed the entire list, here are my 2013 resolutions.


game night

Eleni, our Tuesday TAC girl vlogged about how she is wanting to be more social in real time as one of her resolutions. I’m also seeing a lot of blog posts about wanting to save money and meet new people. My favorite social activity where spending money is minimal is game night! This is exactly what we did last night.


Anna Karenina

Current Reads:
Anna Karenina (free Kindle version!)
United States of Arugula
Lots of Candles and Plenty of Cake


World Domination Summit is opening up registration again on January 16th. This year’s WDS will be my first time going but I hear it’s a pretty awesome experience. If you make the leap, let me know and we can coordinate a meeting!



My sister’s new puppy prefers sleeping on hard surfaces, like this text book, over a soft pillow.


I made my first of twenty four vegetarian dinners this week. I made fettucine alfredo by pureeing cauliflower! It was surprisingly creamy and delicious.


This week’s moments of bliss: ♥ Paris planning ♥ Watching American Horror Story with my dude ♥ game night ♥ coming up with a Valentine surprise ♥ all the blogs I’m following sharing their resolutions (I love talking goals) ♥ drinking more water and chomping on more raw vegetables ♥ tweeting jokes on the job’s Twitter ♥ vlogging with Bob ♥ Alan joining the world of coffee and enjoying the grinder I got for him for Christmas ♥ using almond milk as my coffee creamer ♥ two fun girl dates on the calendar for next week (There’s a lot of joy to be had in just the planning of fun.)

Question: What’s your favorite board game?