Friday 7 Quick Takes (vol 54)


This week on Totes Awesome Channel, we all share our best decisions.

Youtube Link

I talk about my top decisions. Moving away from home for college brought me a lot of growth. Letting go of an old relationship, let me become more my hedonistic self. And seeking help, put my relationships at a higher standard. You can hear more by viewing the video.


Today’s VEDA (Vlog Every Day in August) topic is our relationship with technology.

Youtube Link

I basically ramble about my reluctant relationship with technology. I just got my smartphone last week. I’m afraid of downloading things. My last few laptops were hand me downs. And I’m afraid of technological changes. View the video for more.


After work today, I’m driving up to Dallas on my own for a girls’ weekend. I’m really nervous because the last time I drove on my own to Dallas was in 2007 and I totaled my car when a 16 year old did not give me my right away. Anxiety! However, my extreme excitement to see these girls again is outweighing my anxiety. The last time I saw Hillary and Alex, was in San Angelou, Texas and it was also during Vlog Every Day in April. You can bet I will be recruiting them to join me in a vlog for Vlog Every Day in August.


Last month, I was overwhelmed because of the busy schedule but it looks like THIS month is the busy month. We have vlogging every day which is a huge commitment as it also means seeing as many of the videos of others doing it as you can. (We have 80 plus participants this year! Last year we only had 20 something.) Then here are the other major happenings for me in August:

August 5-7: Girls’ weekend in Dallas, Texas
August 10: New lease starts
August 13: Moving date for me
August 20: Need to have old apartment cleaned and keys returned
August 25-29: Going to Canada with Alan

On top of that I want to see my little from Big Brothers & Big Sisters of America a couple of times at least and I have a pregnant friend I haven’t seen in months. Another friend who’s been patiently nudging me to see her, and the list goes on with friends I keep dodging. I feel a bit haggard and also negligent of some of these relationships. They mean a lot to me but I just want to stick my head in the sand, get through these dates, and then call them in September.


Earlier in the week, I had just finished up dinner with Alan, and saw that dusk was around the corner and I was minutes from the Congress bridge. Having never seen the bats in Austin, I called up Monica and Naz to see if they could join me for a few minutes on the bridge. We’ve been trying to go all summer. In Austin, we have thousands of bats who live underneath the Congress bridge and at dusk they all fly out to seek food. I’ve lived in Austin for 10 years now and have never taken the time to see them. Long story short, I was standing on the bridge by myself, waiting for the girls to join me, when out they flew.

It was so breathtaking. I stood there on my own and exhaled and tried to savour every second of it. It only lasts about 3 minutes. Afterwards, I called my friends to tell them that they missed it but should definitely come back when they have time. I am sad they didn’t get to join me but a part of me was very happy to have those three minutes to myself.


I miss my food blog. Hoping the trip to Dallas will motivate me to give it some love.


This week’s moments of bliss: ♥ lunch date with Naz ♥ many bags of chips ♥ chocolate orange cupcakes ♥ pork belly ♥ colorful salads ♥ spiced watermelon with goat cheese ♥ VEDA ♥ Google Doc that is the game plan for the month that BFF started for me ♥ seeing Kim’s every day this week because of VEDA ♥ discovery of David Gray’s music ♥ last minute dinner date with Deesh

Question: What was the last breathtakingly beautiful thing you witnessed?