Friday 7 Quick Takes (vol 85)


This week on Totes Awesome Channel, we are talking about distractions.

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I’m easily distracted while driving if I’m talking on the phone. I also purposefully distract myself with lower priority task items to avoid the higher priority stuff.


Yesterday morning I was a weepy mess about a lost necklace and blogged about it. Thank you for the sweet and encouraging comments! Alan searched and found it while I was at work. He’s basically my hero.


I updated Kim about the necklace and she assigned to me some new rules regarding the necklace. Her rules are great guidelines on how to treat your treasures with more respect. (Wish I could submit this to the Adulting Blog.)

How Not to Lose Your Necklace of Sentimental Value

  1. Buy a pretty hook or box that is the designated spot for your necklace whenever you’re not wearing it, please.
  2. Nothing else is allowed on the hook. Only that one necklace.
  3. It is placed somewhere un-cluttered and away from places it can fall and be lost forever (i.e. sink, toilet, trash can).
  4. You ALWAYS put it there RIGHT AFTER taking it off. If you know you will be taking it off when you are not at home (i.e. gym or getting ready to go out, at a friend’s house), just don’t wear it that day.
  5. If you are taking it off and NOT putting it on the hook at home (WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!), tell someone, “I’m taking off my necklace and putting it on my coffee table next to my book,” so that when you say “OMG i lost my necklace,” someone can say, “you put it on your coffee table next to your book this morning.”


I had a full week off work. It was kind of an unplanned vacation so I used it as a very productive staycation. I took two naps, worked out for 30 minutes for 4 days, went to The Woodlands to see friends get married and party with them, finished my Defensive Driving course, got my oil changed, had my car inspected, patched a hole in my tire, had a lunch during work hours with an old coworker, updated my food blog twice, tried new recipes, took clothes to the tailor, stayed on top of chores, had date nights in the apartment with Alan, went to SXSW, wrote Morning Pages for 5 days, finished two books, worked on a mutual project still in development, renewed my City of Austin library card, planned a road trip in April, and flossed.



Me in a nutshell:

(Thanks, Ashley!)


I’m really in love with the girls in my life. If I’ve Gchatted you this week, or emailed you, or share a collab channel with you, or shared a meal with you, chances are I’m very impressed by you and am so grateful to know you.


This week’s moments of bliss: ♥ Alan finding my necklace ♥ Alan finding my necklace ♥ Alan finding my necklace ♥ Hunger Games tonight! ♥ credit card rewards ♥ hilarious emails with Kim ♥ pho date with Michelle and Shelley ♥ surprise from Alan ♥ hilarious conversations that make me cackle ♥ buying prints from Thomas to decorate my walls ♥ comfortable maxi dresses ♥ warmer weather ♥ homemade sticky rice with coconut sauce and ripe mangoes

Question: Who impresses you and why?