So I experienced two firsts this weekend. I experienced my first football heartbreak. I won’t go any further as to not upset any fellow Longhorns. Needless to say, it hurt. I finally understand the disheartened grumpiness guys experience. I finally understand what it means to be disappointed after being emotionally invested in a team. Honestly, from the outside I always wondered what the big deal was. But man, Saturday night was tough. I did see a LED road sign on campus yesterday consoling us. Pretty funny. I think it said, “It’s okay. They still go to Tech.”
My next first is my first 5k! I ran maybe half of Race for the Cure and walked the other half. It was awesome. We had a good group. 4 of us, 2 by 2 buddy system. Katambra, my buddy and I enjoyed being childish.
“What are we gonna do today?”
“Same thing we do every day… We’re going to SAVE the WORLD!”
Then we’d skipped and hum to the tune of Pinky and the Brain. But the part of the run that I appreciate the most are the signs. The teams. The t-shirts. The signs celebrating lists of special people who survived. The Myselfs, the grandmothers, the wives, the sisters, the aunts. Reading the people they were celebrating was absolutely awe inspiring and humbling. Reading the “In memory of…” signs on the back of tshirts were just heart breaking. And seeing that amount of people banding together to walk, run, raise awareness, raise money, connect was OVERWHELMING. 25 thousand people showed up to run/walk it out.
Kim already emailed me about another 5k in Houston for Thanksgiving day. Am considering. Definitely, Nisreen, Katambra, Melissa and I want to Race for the Cure again next year.

The night before I had 6 hours of sleep and the night before that I had 5 WITH alcohol. It shows.