Here is Part One. As stated in Part One, Bánh Cuốn (directly translates to “rolled cakeâ€) is rice crepes rolled with minced pork and wood ear mushrooms. Apparently, it’s traditionally… [Continue Reading]
10 Ways to Live Joyfully
Another coblog with Mary Ellen. Read her version here. Last and first coblog we did: 10 more rules to live by (me) | 10 Rules to Live By (her) 1…. [Continue Reading]
Backstreet Cafe
1103 S Shepherd Dr Houston, TX 77019 Phone:713.521.2239 After Kim and I released our balloons right before the year’s end, we had our new Sunday in Houston tradition of… [Continue Reading]
3rd Annual New Year’s Balloon Release
Balloons waiting to be written on Every year at aroud New Year’s for the past 3 years, Kim and I, inspired by an article in O magazine, release balloons. We… [Continue Reading]
2009 Resolutions and 2010 Resolutions
I love making resolutions. I think it helps me to progress in life. I had a really good year in 2008 and completed almost ALL of my resolutions. In 2009,… [Continue Reading]
2009 in Review
In comparison to 2008, 2009 was awful! The one thing I can think of that 2009 had over 2008 was that I read more than double the books I read… [Continue Reading]
A Mini-Vietnamese Writing Demonstration from my Mom
I’m a bad Vietnamese girl and do not know how to read or write in Vietnamese. I was telling my mom about how I was talking to Kym (who is… [Continue Reading]
Hai Ky Cafe
2000 Guadalupe St Austin, TX 78705 (512) 480-0057 Last week, campus was pretty dead with all the students gone in between semesters. I had a slower day at work and… [Continue Reading]
Deconstructing a Gingerbread House
We had a little informal Christmas party at my day job last week. Someone brought in a homemade gingerbread house! I’ve only made a few dinky ones with milk cartons… [Continue Reading]
Making Bánh Cuốn with Mom- Part One
I know this may be obvious as I’m a Vietnamese American girl, but I really enjoy Vietnamese cuisine. I don’t get to eat it enough. Austin has an abysmal selection… [Continue Reading]