Yesterday. I was being trained at my new job in the biology building on campus. It kind of feels weird to be in that building as a staff member and… [Continue Reading]
You forgot to kiss me.
I babysat after work tonight. I’m very pooped. Just started a load of laundry and the plan is to watch a late movie rental with Alan. And somehow wake up… [Continue Reading]
Annual Big Brothers and Big Sisters Christmas Party
Yesterday, I hung out with my little and her family at the Big Brothers Big Sister’s Annual Christmas Party. It was a lot of fun. I’m a little jealous of… [Continue Reading]
When You Run Out of Bar Supplies
When you run out of bar supplies, using a measuring cup is a very exact way of pouring your drinks.
Deesh teaches me how to make an Irish Car Bomb
I had my first Irish Car Bomb last weekend courtesy Deesh and Brittany. It’s pretty good. I’m a big coffee drinker, (especially lately as I’m a night owl with very… [Continue Reading]
Little Bigs: Third and Thankfully Last Stop of Progressive Lunch
This entry is part of a series. Here are the other entries in case you missed them. 1. Sneak Peak/Introduction 2. Sneak Preview of Little Bigs 3. First stop: Kolache… [Continue Reading]
Antones: 2nd Stop of Progressive Lunch
If you haven’t an idea what I’m talking about, read these entries first: 1. Sneak Peak/Introduction 2. First stop: Kolache Factory For our second stop for progressive lunch (third for… [Continue Reading]
Kolache Factory: First Stop of Progressive Lunch in Houston
If you missed the previous entry, you can read it here. It’s a quick introduction to our progressive lunch in Houston. So I met Thomas and Willis (of Skissors Eats)… [Continue Reading]
10 Rules to Live by – Part II (coblogged with Mary Ellen)
If you missed part one, here it is. Mary Ellen joined me for Part II and blogged the same rules on her blog. Read her version here. “Childlike wonderment is… [Continue Reading]
Another Wonderful Reunion at Chocolate Bar
I’m a little disconnected and fragmented today. The last two days I’ve hardly been online online mainly due to starting a new job and then going to an night job… [Continue Reading]