Miles from Nowhere is Nami Mun’s debut novel about a 13 year-old Korean girl named Joon living in New York. Her adulterous father left and her mother could not cope…. [Continue Reading]
Packing Up My Life
So I’m moving at the end of June and I finally started packing tonight. I only have 2 boxes packed so far. First box I packed was DVDs. I stuck… [Continue Reading]
The Brand New “Green” North Village Library
Photo above was taken from the Austin Library Website. Just last week a new library here in Austin had it’s Grand Opening. It opened last Friday, I was in here… [Continue Reading]
Book Review: Outliers
I finished reading Outliers yesterday. I borrowed the book from the library and it was over 2 weeks overdue by the time I returned it which resulted in a whopping… [Continue Reading]
T&S Seafood Dim Sum
Last Saturday, I spent the entire day with Kim (who visited from Houston!), Nino, Bing, Nisreen, Jesse, Katambra, Deesh, and Britney. We started the day off with dim sum (which… [Continue Reading]
Happy Memorial Day!
Hope everyone is safe and enjoying the day off. I’m about to do what I did yesterday and go hang out at the pool.
Dear In & Out,
Dear In & Out, This cell phone picture does not do you justice. In fact, any photo would not give you justice. We’ve missed you and it’s been way too… [Continue Reading]
My kid brother is now 24 (Oddly, I’m still young as ever!)
My kid brother turned 24 today. We celebrated at Mighty Fine (his first time!) and later the gang met up at Sherlocks. My brother ordered from the Mighty Fine secret… [Continue Reading]
Viva Chocolato
I partook in happy hour both Monday and Tuesday this week (We needed the drinks!) with some coworkers. Monday, I went with Jamie and Anna and chatted up life over… [Continue Reading]
We followed our hearts rather than our itinerary.
Yesterday, I woke up early after going to bed late to trek my way to Jamie’s so we could trek our way to a small town an hour away called… [Continue Reading]