27 Life Lessons I’ve Learned by Age 27

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Today is my birthday. :) My birthday gift to you is this list.

27 Life Lessons I’ve Learned by Age 27

  1. Parents don’t always know best, but for the most part they do. The good parents at least.
  2. There is comfort in routines and growth in change.
  3. Forgiveness can squeeze out more years of a wonderful relationship.
  4. We hear this all the time, but really, sometimes the right thing to do isn’t the easy thing to do.
  5. Spend less than you make.
  6. Have an emergency fund.
  7. It’s okay to let people know they hurt you.
  8. You cannot put the inside of a crock pot on the stove top. It will crack or worse, explode.
  9. Read recipes all the way through before starting.
  10. If you tell someone something, he or she will inevitably tell his/her significant other.
  11. You can’t go on little to no sleep like you used to.
  12. Cutting a pineapple isn’t that hard as it initially looks. Most tasks are not as hard as initially perceived.
  13. Do not engage in battle with buffoons. Even if you win, you lose.
  14. If you can help it, don’t burn bridges. Even if you have to walk away from a relationship, do so cordially if possible.
  15. Sometimes you have to give yourself your own closure.
  16. Reading outside your comfort level and truly ignoring a book’s cover can take you to some surprisingly wondrous places.
  17. Treating someone respectfully does not guarantee equal treatment from them. That said, this does not mean you should withhold respect.
  18. You don’t have to like everybody. In turn, not everyone will like you.
  19. Your friends are your safety net when shit hits the fan. Invest in your relationships with them.
  20. No one can make you do anything. You can’t make anyone do anything.
  21. Spending money on experiences brings you more joy than material things.
  22. Ask for help when you need it.
  23. Apologize as soon as you realize you’re in the wrong.
  24. You do not have to splurge on a plane ticket to get to know another culture.
  25. However, whenever possible, responsibly splurging on plane tickets is worth every penny.
  26. New experiences and people broaden your perspective.
  27. I know we are an appearance centric society, but it behooves us to invest in our insides. Be virtuous, be educated, be interested, be passionate, always be improving your inner self. You’re boring otherwise.

What life lessons have you learned recently?