How the Internet Made Me Happy

The internet really played a hand in my happiness this weekend.

Friday night, I went out to a seedy karaoke bar to celebrate Alan’s birthday. The back of someone’s head was really familiar to me but every time he walked by, he did so in a way that hid his face from me. I couldn’t help but stare and did it so obviously, my friend poked me and asked me what’s going on.

“I think that’s a good friend of mine from ages ago. He lives in New York now but I know he’s in town for the weekend. I think that’s the back of his head.”

At the crowded bar there was no room to maneuver myself discretely to the other side of him to take a look but I found myself suddenly really missing seeing him every day during Spanish in college. I even recalled scribbling funny quips of his in my quote book years ago and writing an online journal entry about him back when I was still hosted on Diaryland.

It dawned on me that he included me on a Facebook thread about his visit to Austin. I hadn’t been reading it because I knew I’d be busy celebrating Alan’s birthday. I took one quick glance at my Facebook app on my phone and confirmed that he was at the same bar. I smacked him really hard on the shoulder. He turned around. We gave each other 3 seconds for it to register and it was bear hug time!

* * *

I checked my mail over the weekend and received a stack of reading from Ashley, a friend I had the pleasure of meeting last year while doing VEDA (Vlog Every Day in August), and now a fellow Totes Awesome Channel collaborator.

The fun thing about mail is that it’s neat to be touching the same things your friends from far away places have touched.

Or is that just creepy?

I’ll stick with “romantic.”

* * *

Treavor, another Internet friend I had the pleasure of meeting doing VEDA last year, tweeted at me telling me he’ll be in Austin. A handful of direct messages later, I was sitting with him at a bubble tea cafe guiding him through his first experience of bubble tea. Of course we vlogged it.

Youtube Link

It was a great first time meeting him. I loved how we said good bye. “Talk to you later!” And as he said that he mimed typing on the computer. How cute are we?

Question: How has the internet made you smile lately?