Stream of Consciousness

It’s 9:15 p.m. and I haven’t blogged yet for National Blog Posting month (posting every day in November). I have a morning post for tomorrow planned which is kind of a cheat since it’s just announcing the winner of my giveaway (ends in less than 3 hours!) So I’m opting for my first ever stream of consciousness blog post because I am out of ideas on what to divulge. I wonder if posting every day is making you bored with me. I worry about that.

Alan is away watching football with his friends. He’s reading Hunger Games and it’s the first time we’ve ever discussed books we’ve both read. He’s not done with the first book yet. I’m loving that I can talk books with him even if it’s just for Hunger Games.

I’m really excited about going to Houston. I’m not sure how I’m going to see everyone I want to see and eat everything I want to eat. I really miss my mom.

Have I told you that posting a blog post every day of the month is so hard? I guess it’s apparent since I’m recording my stream of consciousness.

A few of my friends are going through a really tough time right now and I am at a loss of what to do to help. I feel powerless.

I really like the Totes Awesome Channel topic for this week.

I’m hungry for a dream.

Actually, I dream to get paid to eat.

See you tomorrow.

Question: What’s on your mind right now?