2013 Resolutions Progress Report

I do one of these progress reports every two months and I’m due for my fourth report for 2013. I managed to cross off a couple of goals and make some headway on a few others. There are a couple I still haven’t started!

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Personal Finance

  • Save $1,000 in the Gift Fund for my parents. Done! I focused on this financial goal first since it was the smallest goal. I put some of my Christmas gift money and a third of my tax refund into this account.
  • Make $3,000 outside from full-time job income. $568.93. 18% done. I went up a whopping two percent. I’ve had this goal for three years now and have never achieved it. Last year I got somewhat close and my moonlighting as a food tour guide helped. That gig was short-lived after switching full time jobs because the new position is a much more challenging position. Previously my lab manager job was simple enough where I could do all my work and have time to pursue other endeavors.
  • Pay down $4,500 in principal of student loans. I’ve actually paid 275 dollars over my goal. I threw all I had extra into this goal for a while and since meeting it I’ve decided to only pay my monthly minimum for the rest of the year.
  • Open up a Roth IRA account with a new bank and deposit $2,000. No progress. I should make the leap. I’m always really lax with myself regarding this goal since I have a 401K with my employer.


  • Try 10 more Vietnamese recipes. 5/10. I’ve learned one new Vietnamese dish since the last progress report. This is the third year I’ve had this goal so I now know how to make a grand total of 25 recipes. Maybe the weather will cool down soon and I can tackle the dish that is most intimidating to me. Pho! Last week I made shrimp toast for Anita and me.
  • Complete 10 sewing learning projects. 9/10. I was in Houston for Labor Day weekend and cranked out 5 more projects on my mom’s machine. I think I can almost fully thread a sewing machine without my mom’s help. Small victories, y’all. I have a birthday present ready to send this week! Next time I’m in Houston my mom will show me how to undo seams. Because I screwed up one of my projects (not counted). I’m being vague because they’re presents!
  • Finish transcribing dad’s journal. No progress yet. I’m terrible!
  • Read 50 books. 33/50.
  • Write 104 blog posts for my food blog. 38/104. The goal was set at 104 to mean an average of 2 blog posts a week.
  • Write 174 blog posts for this blog. 70/174. I set the goal at 174 to mean an average of 3 posts a week and a post a day in November.
  • Finish Sketchbook Project 2013 in time. I uploaded a copy of the entire book to my Google+ account.
  • Visit two new states. 1/2 Oregon checked for World Domination Summit. I’m actually going to Miami in two weeks and Florida is not a new state. There is a possibility I’m going to fail my new state goal for the first time in three years!
  • SEE PARIS WITH KIM. Done! It was amazing.

Relationships and Well-Being

  • Work out 156 times for at least 30 minutes each session. 79/156. This goal was set to mean an average of 3 times a week. Lately, I’ve been pretty unmotivated.

  • Cook 24 vegetarian dinners. 13/24. This goal was set to mean an average of 2 times a month. I recently made quinoa stuffed pobablo peppers. Recipe can be found here.
    Stuffed Poblano Peppers

  • Send Thanksgiving and Valentine’s Day cards. I sent a few cards out to single gal friends and my parents for Valentine’s Day.

Question: If you know you won’t meet your goal at the desired deadline, do you give up or still truck along?