Friday 7 Quick Takes (vol 23)


I signed up for Race for the Cure. Race day is November 7. If you can spare a five or ten, please consider supporting me by clicking on the link. I plan on walking most of it with Brittany as my buddy. Exercise, raising awareness about breast cancer, raising some dough for the cause, girl bonding, AND completing a New Year’s Resolution? Awesome!

A handful of my friends have already donated and it makes me smile seeing them using nicknames for the “honor roll” and one friend even referenced this blog entry.


I’m taking the day off today and driving to Houston. The priority tasks for Houston are to check in on loved ones. My college roommate (she’s more family than she is a friend) has lost her older brother unexpectedly (as mentioned in my last Friday 7 Quick Takes). She’s not answering her phone. I want to see her face and hug her. Ditto regarding her family. Secondly, my best friend’s (again more like a sister than a friend) mommy had surgery yesterday. I want to see her face and hug her.


There are also less serious and more joyful reasons to go to Houston. Thomas is in Texas, visiting from California. He said he’s bearing gifts from the East from his trip to Asia. I’ll say it. I like presents. It would also be great to see his face and hug him. Somehow I will squeeze in more Houston people. See their faces and hug them. I’m feeling very huggy which is unlike me. Life is short and Oprah says to hug.


Last Friday, my half sister, whom I haven’t seen in approximately sixteen years found me on Facebook. I’ve wondered about her through the years. It made me sad that I didn’t know her married name to be able to search for her. After she friendship requested me, I pored over her online albums and I can see photos of my niece and nephew. Ages 7 and 10. It’s kind of a trip and I’m still processing it. One thing is for sure, I’m happy she found me.


I do feel kind of discombobulated this last couple of weeks. As you can see it has taken a toll on my 7 Quick Takes. I’m pulling teeth to get you these takes!


Awesome meals of the week: Banh mi (Vietnamese sandwich) and Banh Cuon (I had TWO entrees in one sitting) with Deesh, pesto and artichoke pizza with Dave, amazing sushi meal at Uchi with Alan. I swear Uchi and Uchiko (owned by same people and have the same website address) are my favorite sushi restaurants in Austin. If you want to tease yourself, check out their menus. It’s fantastic! I have pictures of meals from both places but have not uploaded them. I’d grab a few from my my camera but it does not like Alan’s Mac computer.


Okay. Speaking of hugs. I want to hug this man. Please, please, please watch this video. I insist.

Youtube Link

If you cried, I’m sorry but I’m glad you watched it.

Question: Has Facebook changed your life? How so?