Peonies Season

After my parents immigrated to the states, they had to raise a family with very little. We always ate well but there were luxuries my mom wouldn’t dream of purchasing. One of which was flowers. My dad and I learned to stop buying her flowers on special occasions. It was just beyond her threshold of enjoyment. I on the other hand, love receiving flowers and they always are a treat to see the flowers blossom just for you in your home. I even like how brief their lifespans are. It reminds me to enjoy them now because in a few short days, their beauty will wilt. In the last couple of years, I’ve started to treat myself instead of only enjoying them as gifts. I don’t buy them regularly but have resolved to always have fresh flowers at home when I host a meal. These beautiful peonies grew in size during the course of a 7 hour brunch and we all marveled on how quickly they opened for us.





Question: How often do you keep fresh flowers at home?