1. Yesterday’s VEDA submission is a blooper and deleted scenes reel. I’m a little sad about this because I mindlessly deleted a lot of unused footage, completely forgetting about the… [Continue Reading]
Today’s VEDA (Vlog Every Day in April) submission is a bit of a downer. I’m sick. Youtube Link For those of you who can’t see the video, I talked about… [Continue Reading]
Today’s VEDA (Vlog Every Day in April) vlog is me listing off ways I am prepared for catastrophes. Youtube Link If you do not have video capabilities, here’s the list… [Continue Reading]
For today’s VEDA, I managed to rope two food blogging friends into telling me why they food blog on camera. Today was the first time I’ve met Foodie is The… [Continue Reading]
Today’s VEDA (Vlog Every Day in April) submission centered around a presentation by a very neat nonprofit. I saw No Kidding: Straight Talk from Teen Parents today with my little… [Continue Reading]
1. For yesterday’s VEDA submission, I talk about how I may becoming less cool to my little from Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America. Youtube Link 2. During today’s… [Continue Reading]
My VEDA (Vlog Every Day in April) vlog for April 20 didn’t quite make the midnight target but here it is, less than an hour late. I talk about facing… [Continue Reading]
I’m running out the door as I type up this blog post. Today’s VEDA is my answering the Ten On Tuesday questions for today. Youtube Link Question: What are you… [Continue Reading]
I failed this weekend in regards to VEDA (Vlogging Every Day in April). But I’m back and I made it for today with 30 minutes to spare! Today’s vlog is… [Continue Reading]
1. For yesterday’s VEDA submission, I showed you my current journals that are in progress. Youtube Link Here’s a link to a post I did a couple of years ago… [Continue Reading]