The Brand New “Green” North Village Library

Photo above was taken from the Austin Library Website.

Just last week a new library here in Austin had it’s Grand Opening. It opened last Friday, I was in here the next Tuesday, three days later. I like libraries and on the news it looked PRETTY. Libraries, as much as I love them, are rarely pretty. It’s also an pioneer! (A pretty pioneer is hard to come by.) So it’s the first library built with “green” architecture. The library is abundant in windows and therefore abundant in beautiful natural light. Aside from the natural night, it also has rooftop solar panels for electrical power generation. I snapped a few discreet photos from my cubicle. It has cubicles! This is the first library I’ve been to that isn’t a university library that has cubicles complete with electrical outlets for laptops. Lucky me this library isn’t too long of a drive away. I’ve already gone back yesterday and plan on spending a lot of time there working on my project.

Here’s my cozy little cubicle. That book was the last of Outliers.