Friday 7 Quick Takes (vol 111)


This week on Totes Awesome Channel we share our childhood fantasies that are no longer.

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I picked up a pig snout costume accessory from Austin Wine & Swine Festival last weekend. The first thing I did when I got home was torture Bob with it.


Tonight I’m going to Austin’s first Oyster Festival with Alan and his parents! I love oysters. The first time I had raw oysters, my friend Nam went uh, “oystering” (?) and he brought me and the guy I was with at the time a Styrofoam cooler full of live oysters. I was bewildered. He then instructed us to just shuck the oyster shells with a screwdriver and slurp. Flabbergasted as I was, I followed his instructions and and as soon as I swallowed my first slimy oyster, my world changed. 9 years later, I’m going to an oyster festival.


2012 is the year of crazy reunions. In 2011, my sister whom I hadn’t seen or heard from in 16 years found me via Facebook. I finally saw her in person for the first time in 17 years this year. This week, I found my childhood best friend via Facebook. I hadn’t talked to him in 16 years!

Facebook, subsequently, has a very loyal follower in me.


Have you seen this video?


It’s festival season! Last weekend was Wine & Swine. Tonight is Oyster Festival, and tomorrow I make my yearly pilgrimage to Texas Renaissance Festival with the same two ladies I go with every year.


This week’s moments of bliss: ♥ making it this far in NaBloPoMo ♥ goodies from Maggie’s Farm ♥ finding childhood best friend on Facebook ♥ catching up with a few of my favorite food blogging friends ♥ a phone date with Naz, complete with crying together (I’m glad we have each other to share the hard times) ♥ good reads ♥ fun workmates ♥ fake fights with Kim ♥ some good tasting swine ♥ getting some Christmas shopping done ♥ the Election results

Question: What are some of your childhood fantasies?