Hotel Sorella
800W Sam Houston Pkwy, Building 9
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 973-1600
Just 5 minutes away from my parents’ house in Houston used to be an area we call Town and Country. It used to be one of the few malls in Houston. It evolved to a mall that only older mall walkers go to. Eventually the mall went bankrupt and I never really gave it a second thought. That was years ago. Shane was in town this past weekend and I hadn’t seen him since 2007. He told me he’d be with his friends (who ended up being old acquaintances of mine) at a bar in the Town and Country area. Intrigued, I go and meet him up on my way to see Aishah and Jennifer, old high school and college classmates. I never made it to see Aishah and Jennifer due to not wanting to drive that far out after a few drinks. It’s such a small world because one of the old acquaintances there knew BOTH Aishah and Jennifer.
The area is completely done up now and is now called City Centre, an upscale outdoor mall with restaurants and bars. What a drastic change from the dying mall that I remember! Here’s a picture of the Monnalisa, one of three bars we hopped on Saturday night.
The lights change colors! I think it’s pretty. Shane thought it was disgusting.