Rolling Down a Hill in a Rubber Ball

Maybe a year ago, I saw a fail video of a reporter being rolled over as she did a story about people in rubber balls being rolled down hills. I lamented that the video took place somewhere in Europe but quickly put it on my bucket list, just in case I run into the odd opportunity. Not long after, I learned that Texas has a place that offers this fun activity and mentally bookmarked this factoid. I got the final nudge to organize a trip to New Braunfels, Texas when I saw an online coupon. I think I sent out an email that read, “Rolling down a hill while strapped in a rubber ball. Who’s down?” Cheers to adventurous friends! I will let the videos we took do the rest of the talking. One warning, in the second video, I get a bit pitchy. Maybe turn down your volume.

Youtube Link

Youtube Link

If you’re in West Texas, this wonderful place who did not pay me a lick to advertise, is called Texas Spere Rides.