Full Disclosure: In exchange for an honest review, Glamping Hub is providing me with a stay at one of the properties listed in their new database Texas Getaways. I was… [Continue Reading]
Author: Linda Nguyen
All the photos used in this post are by Thomas Chen Photography. For nine years now, my best friend Kim and I have released balloons or prayer lanterns towards the… [Continue Reading]
Happy Friday! Are you ready for the holidays? I’m not but here they are practically! This weekend I’m going to Houston to see my folks and a few of my… [Continue Reading]
I can’t get a handle on how fast this year has whizzed by. Where’s my pause button? Here’s this week’s pieces of internet that made me feel things. Hope you… [Continue Reading]
I’ve been binge reading all week trying to catch up on my yearly goal of reading 50 books. I have to read 10 more books this month! I’ve linked a… [Continue Reading]
When I go through a hard time, I’m usually simultaneously keenly aware of how good I still have it. I noticed it every time I faced a heartache or big… [Continue Reading]
I hope if you celebrate Thanksgiving that you had a good one with your loved ones! I’m currently in Houston with Sugarface and our pups. I hope you enjoy this… [Continue Reading]
The first three photos on this post were from my first asado, an Argentinean barbecue. I wrote about what a serene day it was on my food blog. (Click on… [Continue Reading]
Welcome to the weekend, friends! What do you guys have going on this weekend? Tomorrow I’ll be photographing a city wide bake sale to benefit Syrian refugees. I’m excited I… [Continue Reading]
It’s the weekend again! This week flew by for me. Did it for you? I’m looking forward to volunteering at one of my favorite food events called Wine and Swine…. [Continue Reading]