Farewell VEDA 2011

Today is the last day of Vlogging Every Day in August. I have to confess that I’m so happy it’s over. I will return to just vlogging weekly instead of daily on Totes Awesome Channel. Last year it was a life changing and rewarding experience. This year, it was rewarding and fun but I have to be honest, I’m burnt out keeping up with it with the traveling and the moving!

Before I bid VEDA adieu, here’s the obligatory blooper reel.

Youtube Link

Alan wanted me to be sure to add that he looked annoyed only because I picked the most tiring day of the year for him to join in, Moving Day!

Finally, today’s vlog is of my last thoughts. I basically summarized the vlog in the beginning of this post.

Youtube Link

Question: When was the last time you pushed through something and was proud of yourself for it?