What Twitter Does to Calm Its Nerves

I have been pretty anxious this week. My nerves usually manifest themselves as chest pain. I took to Twitter for some advice while I was at work because the tension was building up in my chest. The responses were humorous and helpful!

‏@GeekyHooker: Grab a warm beverage. Sometimes spiked with a shot of liquor. :P

‏@anitakc: Put myself in a different environment and work on something else. Do things that make me happy. Eat cupcakes!

@Edw1nS1984: eat. or take medication. Depends on how bad the nerves are.

@dmbosstone: Drink. A lot. I usually end up like this: http://youtu.be/u8ZpEokvNCQ

@tomfromhr: It may sound weird, but coffee. The ritual of it helps me.

‏@indeedemma: @tomfromhr @curious_notions I agree w/ the ritual but w/ tea. And a lie down. And the ol’ breathe slowly in through the nose, out the mouth

@AshleyD: Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, and breathe out for 4 secs. Repeat as needed. One of my favorite tricks! :)

@KristenCurator: I literally write CALM DOWN about a zillion times on a piece of paper. It actually helps

@pixie658: Stop what I’m doing. Ask myself if I’ve eaten & if I’d had enough sleep. Remedy those. Crying helps. Xanax for emergencies.

@girlfrmmars: …Wine. haha.

‏@writetoreach: Walk.

Question: What do you do to calm your nerves?