10 Reasons Why You Should Become a Big Brother or Big Sister

My little and I
My little and I in June 2008

Austin’s Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America is looking for mentors. I’ve really enjoyed being a Big. I’ll be honest and say that I thought it’ll be easy and fun and games, and most times it is easy, fun, and games. However, it’s also challenging. You’re committing to someone, which involves proactively setting aside time to give them your undivided attention and consistently do so. As a working adult sometimes juggling two jobs (so glad that’s over) or someone in my mid-twenties still enjoying and wanting an active social life, being consistent and setting time aside can be difficult. Also, there’s no trading in your little. You are not guaranteed to be paired with a “Mini-Me.” The point of Big Brothers and Big Sisters is to be a positive constant.

And with that, I’ll leave you with this list:

  1. It’s important to give back to your community.
  2. It’s flexible scheduling, you work out when you see your little. BBBS asks you see them 3-4 times a month.
  3. Having conversations with impressionable kids is awesome. There’s a natural sense of wonderment.
  4. Being a big helps you become more mindful of the things you say and do.
  5. It’s a chance to a be a positive role model. Maybe your little will grow to think you’re cooler than Miley Shanky Cyrus. Here’s your chance to be a good influence!
  6. You now have a valid excuse to be a kid again. Since having my little, I’ve been to kid’s festivals with face painting, puppet shows, kid movies (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is AWESOME), and marvel at balloon animals.
  7. Every penny you spend on your little on outings is tax deductible. For instance, if you go to McDonalds, her happy meal is tax deductible, yours isn’t.
  8. You’ll have a new friend.
  9. Your little might teach you something. Just listen and watch.
  10. If you’ve never had a younger sibling, this is your second chance.
  11. So if you’re from Austin and are interested in becoming a mentor, please check the website www.bigmentoring.org, call the office (512) 472-5437 or email the staff volunteer@bigmentoring.org.

    If you’re not from Austin, check if your town has a Big Brothers Big Sisters of America chapter.

    My Little and her first spring roll
    Last weekend, little and I went to our first cooking class. She not only ate her first springroll, but she made it!

    How do you contribute to your community?