Youtube Survey

I’m spending the day near Houston for Texas Renaissance Festival. We’re leaving at 7 in the morning so I thought today is a good day to post a video! Ashley vlogged a Youtube Survey and tagged the other Totes Awesome Channel girls. In this video, I answer these questions:

1) Why are you called that?
2) Tell us about your favourite school teacher
3) What’s the strangest food you’ve ever eaten?
4) Tell us about your first gig
5) What is your favourite place in the world?
6) Who do you want to answer the survey next?

Youtube Link

For the last question, I tagged anyone who has never uploaded a video to the internet. If you have a Gmail account you can use that to sign up for Youtube. Then use your cellphone or your webcam and answer these questions. Finally, upload! If you’ve never talked to a camera, doing it for the first time is kind of exciting.