1. This week on Totes Awesome Channel, we are sharing our most favorite rituals. Youtube Link I forgot to mention that I love weekend mornings. I sit with coffee and… [Continue Reading]
Tag: Totes Awesome Channel
1. This week on Totes Awesome Channel, we talk about going outside our comfort zone. Youtube Link I realize I love the short spurts of going outside of comfort zones… [Continue Reading]
1. This week on Totes Awesome Channel, we talk about our summer plans! Youtube Link If I could choose, I wouldn’t plan on turning 29. It’s just going to happen…. [Continue Reading]
1. Totes Awesome Channel is celebrating one year of existence this week! Youtube Link I celebrate with Bob. 2. I’m reading two memoirs simultaneously and they’re both set in New… [Continue Reading]
First Impressions Suki, Jenna, and Grace are really tall. I’ve met Ameena once before so her height wasn’t a first impression, but her awesome dancing was! Doni gives great hugs…. [Continue Reading]
I’m back home from an awesome time in Vegas for Bloggers in Sin City. I will recap soon. For now, I wanted to show you the only video footage we… [Continue Reading]
1. This week on Totes Awesome Channel, we are embracing our guilty pleasures. Youtube Link I divulge a bit more about my obsession with food and talk a bit about… [Continue Reading]
1. This week on Totes Awesome Channel, we are discussing what we would have on our riders if we were celebrities. Important stuff! Youtube Link I may have requested the… [Continue Reading]
1. It’s the last week of the month on Totes Awesome Channel, so it’s free topic week! Youtube Link I talk about reaching 16 states and how I decided to… [Continue Reading]
1. This week on Totes Awesome Channel, we vlog about vlogging! Youtube Link I started vlogging in August 2010 when I stumbled on Ashley hosting a vlog every day in… [Continue Reading]