“Moan like you’re 8 tons and all warted and barnacle looking.”

Nov 14 (4 days ago)

to me

I am happy for you and a little jealous. It seems like you’re pursuing all the stuff that I’ve been too afraid to do for the past…forever. I have been entertaining the idea of throwing all my shit out and being free from it. Free to move wherever, whenever. And I saw your post and your changes and facing your fears and I am reminded of how awesome you are and how inspiring you will always be.

Nov 14 (4 days ago)
to Brittany

I don’t really feel inspire-y. I’ve been feeling very messy and sobby and frantic. I’m probably pursuing these scary things as a way to distract myself from feeling sad. I should call you one day and make the sound I make every day when I drive to work. It sounds like a dying whale. And that’s just how I feel.

BACK TO PACKING. Movers come Saturday morning bright and early which means I only have tonight and tomorrow night. Cue panic.

Nov 14 (4 days ago)
to me

It doesn’t matter why you’re doing the scary things in life. The point is that you’re doing them. I often cope by eating copious amounts of transfats. Your way seems much healthier, physically and mentally. So don’t discredit it. The whale noises will morph into dolphin sounds. And then the cackling of seagulls. Actually, the last part seems like a backslide, but you know. The good parts give us hope, and the hard parts give us the strength and tools to ensure longer periods of the pleasant.

Feel stressed. Feel lonely. Moan like you’re 8 tons and all warted and barnacle looking. It’s hard to break from the status quo. But at least it means your life won’t always be what it once was.