1. You know the new Bachelor, Brad Womack who was also the Bachelor three years ago? I have a picture with him from Halloween 3 years ago! He was standing… [Continue Reading]
Tag: Friday 7 Quick Takes
1. Create your own visited map of the United States here. One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to visit a new state. Well, we’re entering December and I haven’t… [Continue Reading]
1. I’ve been mulling over my funeral lately. I want it pretty much figured out before actually passing. I want to have the money set aside to pay for the… [Continue Reading]
1. Monday, a dear friend emailed me an ominous email that only stated, “Call me as soon as you can.” This is not a sentence people want to read/hear. Along… [Continue Reading]
1. Today is day 5 of National Blog Posting Month. To participate, alls you gotta do is post a blog post every day in November. I totally underestimated how challenging… [Continue Reading]
1. I took a small break from blogging and it was wonderful. I vegged out more and may have gotten addicted to Rock Band 3. 2. Holidays are around the… [Continue Reading]
1. Do you ever look up? Sometimes you’ll find a mirror. Me and BFF’s family last weekend in an elevator. Am I cross-eyed? 2. Occasionally I reflect on old skills… [Continue Reading]
1. I signed up for Race for the Cure. Race day is November 7. If you can spare a five or ten, please consider supporting me by clicking on the… [Continue Reading]
1. One of my closest friends lost her brother this week. It has me aching for her and her family. She and I lived together for three years, went to… [Continue Reading]
1. Tuesday morning, a library I spent many many hours in as an undergraduate made national news. A 19 year old student shot a few rounds from an AK-47 on… [Continue Reading]