I’m 28 years old today. Last year on my birthday, I shared with you, 27 Life Lessons I Learned by the Age of 27. This year, on my 28th birthday,… [Continue Reading]
Category: Lists
“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very… [Continue Reading]
I celebrated Father’s Day by having dim sum with my dad yesterday morning. I thought I’d pay public tribute to him with this list of 25 life lessons he has… [Continue Reading]
I’ve never attempted to start a good habit in such a structured and daily manner. For the past thirty days, I attempted to eat one serving of vegetables every day… [Continue Reading]
Yesterday was the last day in my 30 Days of Vegetables project. I mark this occasion with the last of my 30 day diary and tomorrow a wrap-up list post…. [Continue Reading]
Saturday was my 20th day of eating vegetables every day for 30 days. I’m keeping a diary of the experience and here is Part 2, a record of day 11… [Continue Reading]
1. This past week, I’ve been seeing things through new eyes which makes me feel pretty groggy and disoriented. I think the disorientation is manifesting itself into me physically. Yesterday,… [Continue Reading]
I absolutely love Facebook. Facebook has made it easier for me to keep in contact with my friends who are no longer living in the same city as me. Facebook… [Continue Reading]
I’ve been dating for about 10 years now. The scope of my experience is limited to 5.5 boyfriends, 8 first kisses, 11 first dates, and countless crushes. My longest relationships… [Continue Reading]
photo credit Take full account of the excellencies which you possess, and in gratitude remember how you would hanker after them, if you had them not. — Marcus Aurelius Part… [Continue Reading]